mapping can be fun

Look up EDI conversion with your favorite search engine and you may get the impression that you need a coder for this job. Mapping rules and logic is hidden in some kind of script language and you end up with programming a map?

Not necessarily. With toMAPit you create rules with a drag and drop gesture. Manipulating a value can be done with the built-in functions but the IT knowhow you will need for that is on the level of simple functions in your favorite spreadsheet application.

The graphical mapping editor can actually do the conversion. Check your rules immediatly with a test run and validate your function with the test parser. The syntax of your function is checked on the fly. This dramatically cuts down the effort spent on testing and you can watch your target evolve.

Ever wondered how long your conversion will run on big files? Magically toMAPit will do its best to estimate the time and shows a progress bar in the test run feature. Make sure you use huge files when you want to see that - toMAPit is very fast due to the light-weight dom4j used.
